So Are the Pathways of All That Forget God

By Jimmie Burroughs

I recently ran across an obscure verse of Scripture in what is regarded as the oldest writing of the Bible, the book of Job, concerning The trails of all who forget God.

I have been thinking along these lines for 1 or 2 months now, and have done a large amount of research and have just written several articles for one of my sites concerning the issues we face in the America and in the world today. I believe we're on the trail we are on because as a nation we have forgotten God, but of course whether you believe that or not does not alter the facts associated with the grim reality of our present predicaments.

America is following the same trail as Europe who by their own definition is post Christian.

What's the biggest problem facing America?

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Folk who've turned away from Morale values, and have taken their eyes away from GOD.

In the book of Job, we find these words, So are the paths of all that forget God Whose hope shall be cut off, and whose trust shall be a spider's web. He shall lean on his place, it shall not stand: he shall hold it quick but it shall not endure. Job 8:13-15

My paraphrase of these verses:

A country who forgets God is trusting in a spider's web. Everything it trusts in will collapse.

Now I am a positive thinking person, and I suspect that could be a Christian virtue nonetheless , we ca not shut our eyes to what has happened around us. It isn't so much the economy that's the difficulty, but the exit from God and Biblical morals. Naturally as usual the economy will show progress and bigger abundance in time. Exponential technology actually has some exciting things lined up and some in the near future. But that does not cure our spiritual needs.

On the buck bill still remains the statement In God we trust but I'm afraid that we as a country would be more honest if it read In the greenback we trust.

President Barack Obama said recently that the U. S. was no longer a Christian nation, but now many religions. He's right, but the plain fact still remains that America wasn't set up on other faiths; it was founded on the Christian religion of the Bible. Why then do some think it is politically correct to embrace all of the different beliefs which are contrary to what we think as Christians?

Old Colonial Williamsburg was the capitol of Virginia. "For almost all of the 18th century, Williamsburg was the center of govt., education and culture in the Colony of Virginia. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, James Monroe, James Madison, George Wythe, Peyton Randolph, and others moulded democracy in the Commonwealth of Virginia and the U. S. here. " *

Located in Old Colonial Williamsburg is a church building where they hold services. It was built in the 17 hundreds and was employed by the forefathers of this county, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and others to worship God. If you visit there today, you will see the name tags of these famous forefathers on the family cubical where they sat.

The travellers risked their lives to come to America so they may have non secular liberty to worship God. Our forefathers, the 55 men that signed the declaration of Independence, were Christians overwhelmingly: 51 were Christians 3 were Deists and one isn't known.

However somewhere along the way our country has turned from God...actually gradually on the way. The drift away from God had its roots in Europe long before the discovery of America. When the early pilgrims sowed the seeds of Christianity, which they brought over from Europe, in the new world, there were also people who were scattering the tares of Deism, also originating in Europe. Deism is a philosophy that teaches that God created the universe but isn't involved directly in it, and left it to run itself. Deism became the bridge between Christianity and the new age philosophy of today called secular humanism. The philosophy of Deism which did teach the existence of God gradually evolved into secular humanism which is primarily unbelieving or agnostic.

The drift away from God was accelerated with. The Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution basically had its start in England in 1773. It began with the 1st cotton spinning mill. Following this were more inventions and ultimately factories were built.

England did not need to share their achievement with the rest of the globe so they forbid anyone working in factories to travel abroad.

Meanwhile America was trying to get their own Industrial Revolution started, so they offered a significant reward for any person coming up with the technology to build a cotton spinning mill.

It so happened that an Englishman called Samuel Slater masked himself and came to America and revealed from memory the way to build cotton spinning mill, and the ball was rolling and the Industrial Revelation was on its way in America.

Eli Whitney would later invent the Cotton Gin, Robert Fulton, the Steam Engine and Francis Cabot Lowell, the American Textile Industry and lots of other inventers would add to this lineup over a period.

The American Dream originally was the desire to worship God readily in the new world but with the industrial revolution it turned its focus away from God and on the material gain which now characterizes the American Dream.

The Industrial Revolution expanded the dream to financial independence and owning a home. However as automation came to industry and the necessity for skilled labor lessoned, folks begin to search for other strategies with which to gain their dream and to grow very rich fast.

That came with the availability of credit and the Mastercard. Homes might be bought for small down and funded for 30 years and other products might be purchased without any collateral, and folks also begin to pursue become wealthy schemes.

A selection of seductive but elusive methods have evolved, and today the three leading ways to instant wealth are large-prize TV game shows, big-jackpot state lotteries and compensation suits. The big-jackpot Lotteries, which states have adopted to increase academic revenues, hypes the possibility of being an immediate millionaire, but nothing is expounded about the percentages which are in the millions to one. I do not buy lottery tickets and still have about the same possibility of winning as people who waste their cash on them.

Currently however the American Dream is becoming a dream about the past with the present depression of the economy and the burst of the housing bubble.

So what lies ahead now? It is going to be different to say the least.

There are three things, not original with me, but frequently thought that may occur in this decade that will set it aside from any other decade we have ever seen, and will make a contribution to the breakdown spoken of in Job.

1. There'll be a large change in how we live our lives.

2. There'll be no way to modify the unavoidable.

3. It'll last for a long period of time.

The focus today is on the economy that does not seem to need to recover and the ever increasing cost of energy and the declining natural resources. These are already changing the way we live. As I discussed earlier, there's hope in the future. Exponential technology will in time produce alternate methods of energy with solar electricity being one of the most promising sources. There is 5 times more solar electricity available each day than the whole world wishes but a workable solution to link into it is still to be uncovered. More synthetic materials will replace those dependent on natural resources as plastics have replaced many metal parts on autos and other things, and finally the economy will once more flourish as a consequence, but meanwhile there'll be some major changes that are probably going to be around for some time.

I'm scared that all the excitement of what technology can open up for the future only leads us farther away from any dependance on God. While I?m for the excess that technology promises, I'm more worried about America's need to turn around to God.

Each prophesy of the Bible has been satisfied right on schedule with the single exception of those concerning the end time events which still lay in times to come. You can rest assured that the verses in Job have recently been fulfilled a bunch of times related to the nation Israel and others. It'll happen to America also if there is not a religious awaking. So Are the Trails of All That Forget God.

Our hope as a nation and as individuals is only in God. The Biblical times in Israel's history when they turned away from God were the times that they dropped and were enslaved by other nations. If that occurred to God's own selected folk of the Bible, why would anyone doubt that it may also happen to America, if America continues its drift away from God?

Learn today how you can know God personally.

* Wikipedia.

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