Friday, March 30, 2012 Take Communion With You By Pastor Callee Christiana Worthe To be honest, when I first heard about these travel communion sets, I didn't understand why they wou...
Thursday, March 29, 2012 How to Buy Basic Portable Communion Supplies By Pastor Callee Christiana Worthe The informed consumer understands that to make a wise purchase, you have to know what you need. Sounds s...
Tuesday, March 27, 2012 The Importance Of Self Reliance And How To Achieve It By Petra Berg Self reliance is an often misunderstood term. While those with the trait come across as stronger people, it's not because...
2:34 AM What are the Benefits of Meditation By Kristina Herzog This is from a speech given by HH the Dalai Lama, which I have listened to and it very powerful, helpful and advantageou...
Monday, March 26, 2012 Could it be? A running program 5k that Actually works By Tariku Haque While I hesitate to begin this way, I do want to make it known that I am a former Division 1 cross country and track runn...
Sunday, March 25, 2012 Exactly what To Do To Be A Matrimony Councilor By Kurt Martin To turn into a couples therapist, you should need impressive instruction and experience in the arena. Fews specialists are c...
4:33 AM 5 Important Tips for Beginner Runners By Tarikul Haque There is none within us that he or she has any doubt about marathon running is one of the healthy activities that someone ...
Saturday, March 24, 2012 Measures To Find An Excellent Motivational Speaker For Your Upcoming Small business Discussion By Martha D. Miller Both motivational speaker and motivational speaker give information to stimulate people today. Though they can be viewe...
Friday, March 23, 2012 Simple Motivational Techniques To Use By John Smith Inspiring a team is an important skill for any business owner to have. Understanding individuals and having the capability to...
3:35 AM How to Overcome Your Panic Attacks Fast By Benjamin Baca Remember that medication is only a part of the plan. If you use medication to deal with your anxiety, it is important that...
2:47 AM Qualities An Inspirational Speaker Have to Include By Dorothy S. Castaldo Own life is generally called astonishing, unknown, challenging, cruel or superb. No matter what is the criteria of p...
Thursday, March 22, 2012 Understanding Panic Attacks Symptoms and Treatment By Patty Linville If you take medicine to help with your anxiety, is important that you do not stop taking your medicine because you think ...
Wednesday, March 21, 2012 So Are the Pathways of All That Forget God By Jimmie Burroughs I recently ran across an obscure verse of Scripture in what is regarded as the oldest writing of the Bible, the book ...
Tuesday, March 20, 2012 Choosing Whether To Hold On Or Let Go Of Your Girlfriend By Michal Pettit Are you on the fence about staying with your current girlfriend? If you can't decide whether to stay or go, ask yourse...
Sunday, March 18, 2012 Tips for Dealing with Panic Attacks By Jeremy Hennessy Consider asking your local government if they have any sort of assistance, like free therapists, for people with low inc...
Saturday, March 17, 2012 Color Therapy-Light to Love By Devi Dee Color therapy allows us to harness the power of individual color frequencies to heal our bodies and allow harmony. The wondro...
Friday, March 16, 2012 Preventing Anxiety and Panic Attacks on Demand By Jeremy Linder No matter how much a panic attack makes you want to run and hide, DON'T. Stand up to your fear and stay right where yo...
1:51 AM The Only Known Worldview That Promises Hope By Jimmie Burroughs Everyone has a worldview. Worldviews are formed by assertions, upbringing, culture, education, media, movies and even...
Thursday, March 15, 2012 Electronic Originality - the Invention of Electronic Cigarettes By Tariku Haque Though smokeless cigarettes did not come to market until 2004, the idea was first patented by Herbert Gilbert in 1963. He d...
4:39 AM Motivation Made Easy To Work By Sam Peter Motivating a team is a crucial skill for any entrepreneur to possess. A more efficient staff means a better level of success w...
Wednesday, March 14, 2012 Advantages and Benefit of E-Cigarettes By Tarikul Haque Smoking has been found to be very addictive and thus consumers who have been trying to quit have encountered many difficul...
5:23 AM Half Marathon Training and Some Important Tips By Tarikul Haque Running a marathon is a challenge. You must have to be well prepared to defeat your body's ill feeling toward completi...
5:21 AM Electronic Cigarettes and the Law - United States Legislation By Tariku Haque The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is the primary federal agency responsible for electronic cigarette regulation. ...
Tuesday, March 13, 2012 Dealing with Panic Attacks By Lydia Mcmurry If you're feeling a panic attack come on, do something! Wash the dishes, take a bath, go for a long walk, but make sur...
10:50 AM Knowing The Difference Between Religion And Spirituality By Jayde Johannsen The difference between religion and spirituality is a fine line that many people miss. Religion implies a certain type f...