Faith has the capacity to buoy one up when experiencing a trial. When we are faced with disappointment, despair, and loss, faith can help us bounce back. Faith gives us patience to wait for the resources to appear to help us. Hence, Christians are able to bounce back from disappointment, despair, and loss.
Christians look at problems they encounter as "trials." Just calling it a trial keeps a Christian from falling into despair because she knows it is a gift from God. Faith that God only gives good things helps the Christian know that the trial will not have a bad ending but will have a good ending. It is knowing that life will bounce back. Another term for this bouncing back is resurrection. Resurrection occurs when one is carried above the death and despair. Jesus was resurrected because he overcame death. Death could not hold him.
A Christian who believes in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, should believe also in the buoyancy of life because death is everywhere, but Jesus has promised eternal life and that means our capacity to live in spite of death. It is not just life beyond death. Faith is what carries you through the disappointment, death, loss, and failure until you find yourself on the other side of it. Faith gives you the resilience to bounce back, to hang in there, to keep hope alive, keep trust alive, and to keep love alive. Where there is no faith, then people turn to drugs, material things, sex, alcohol, food, work, sports relationships, etc. to meet the needs that are real in the absence of faith. The lack of faith is living a life of distrust. One is then in a state of doubt and semi-despair or even full blown despair.
Faith responds to obstacles too with buoyancy. An obstacle, disappointment, or failure do not last long in the face of faith because it is trust and trusting things to get better. Trusting that God wants what is best for you, actually has the effect of bringing better things to you. The more buoyant you are the more you stand to be rescued from drowning in despair. Looking with hope on the horizon has the effect of keeping oneself on the surface long enough to be rescued. Good things come to those who are hopeful. That is just a law of human nature. Without faith people tend to turn to self-pity and self-loathing. Those who are angry or mired in self-pity and self-loathing tend to turn away from what could rescue them.
Faith is not mere belief in the existence of God but rather trust in his guiding and planning hand. The scriptures are full of God's promises and trusting these promises tends to their fulfillment. This is so, not just because God makes them so because he is faithful, but also because he can fulfill his promises if we trust his promises. This is why Jesus says that faith can move mountains. Faith can do the impossible because it trusts enough to engage it. If you have no faith, you won't even attempt it. Jesus trusted that God would provide for the 5000, and he had his disciples pass out the bread and the fish and indeed they did suffice. But faith has confidence that it can be done and so it attempts it and finds the resources to accomplish it along the way. Faith gives you patience to wait for the resources to appear on the horizon. Faith gives you the patience you need to let help come. You may be stuck in your own mind, but there are resources that can come your way to help you get unstuck. Faith gives you the power to hang in there until help is on its way.
Christians look at problems they encounter as "trials." Just calling it a trial keeps a Christian from falling into despair because she knows it is a gift from God. Faith that God only gives good things helps the Christian know that the trial will not have a bad ending but will have a good ending. It is knowing that life will bounce back. Another term for this bouncing back is resurrection. Resurrection occurs when one is carried above the death and despair. Jesus was resurrected because he overcame death. Death could not hold him.
A Christian who believes in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, should believe also in the buoyancy of life because death is everywhere, but Jesus has promised eternal life and that means our capacity to live in spite of death. It is not just life beyond death. Faith is what carries you through the disappointment, death, loss, and failure until you find yourself on the other side of it. Faith gives you the resilience to bounce back, to hang in there, to keep hope alive, keep trust alive, and to keep love alive. Where there is no faith, then people turn to drugs, material things, sex, alcohol, food, work, sports relationships, etc. to meet the needs that are real in the absence of faith. The lack of faith is living a life of distrust. One is then in a state of doubt and semi-despair or even full blown despair.
Faith responds to obstacles too with buoyancy. An obstacle, disappointment, or failure do not last long in the face of faith because it is trust and trusting things to get better. Trusting that God wants what is best for you, actually has the effect of bringing better things to you. The more buoyant you are the more you stand to be rescued from drowning in despair. Looking with hope on the horizon has the effect of keeping oneself on the surface long enough to be rescued. Good things come to those who are hopeful. That is just a law of human nature. Without faith people tend to turn to self-pity and self-loathing. Those who are angry or mired in self-pity and self-loathing tend to turn away from what could rescue them.
Faith is not mere belief in the existence of God but rather trust in his guiding and planning hand. The scriptures are full of God's promises and trusting these promises tends to their fulfillment. This is so, not just because God makes them so because he is faithful, but also because he can fulfill his promises if we trust his promises. This is why Jesus says that faith can move mountains. Faith can do the impossible because it trusts enough to engage it. If you have no faith, you won't even attempt it. Jesus trusted that God would provide for the 5000, and he had his disciples pass out the bread and the fish and indeed they did suffice. But faith has confidence that it can be done and so it attempts it and finds the resources to accomplish it along the way. Faith gives you patience to wait for the resources to appear on the horizon. Faith gives you the patience you need to let help come. You may be stuck in your own mind, but there are resources that can come your way to help you get unstuck. Faith gives you the power to hang in there until help is on its way.
About the Author:
Learn more about faith. Stop by Holly L Wilson's site where you can find out all about Jesus Christ can help you find the key to life.