Wednesday, February 29, 2012 Funny Life Quotes From MoviesFunny Life Quotes From Movies By Daryl B. Chapman Life can be very stressful. There are various ways on how to deal with stress. Some find it useful to go to the spa or ...
Tuesday, February 28, 2012 Marathon Training Tips and Suggestions By Tarikul Haque A large amount people think that those who run a marathon must be some kind of super athlete. Yet with the accurate traini...
3:31 AM How to Die: The Question Of A Meaningless Life By Jennifer T. Pearsall What's it about our life which tends to make lots of individuals really feel that life's ultimately pointle...
Sunday, February 26, 2012 Game On with Jim Bunch and also the Ultimate Game of Life By Valentino Crawford Game On! Celebrated life coach Jim Bunch says to Jack, "Gimme 10 push-ups proper now!" (There is a funny ...
Saturday, February 25, 2012 The Amazing Booklet How to be Cancer Can Be Healed By Rev Lonnie Mason DeClarion Dodie Osteen was 48 years old when she and her spouse, John determined that she had metastasized liver cance...
Friday, February 24, 2012 Effective Natural Treatment for Panic Attacks By Clara Casey Talk to your feelings out loud when you're having a panic attack. Let them know that you're the boss and that you re...
Wednesday, February 22, 2012 Three inspirational figures we can learn from By Juan Hernandez It would be fair to say that most of us born healthy and with a roof over our heads take our lucky start in life for gran...
Tuesday, February 21, 2012 How To Increase Mind Power By Dennis Paker For persons who want to increase mind power, they must remember that they have to take full control of their life and that ...
Monday, February 20, 2012 How Can You Be Motivated To Exercise Despite Depression? By Trevor Manns "Run!" I barely had a second to spare just before turning the corridor, grasping the doorknob to the nearest clas...
Saturday, February 18, 2012 Stop Anxiety and Panic Attacks without Medication By Michelle Paddock A fun visualization technique when you're having a panic attack is to become a leaf falling from a tree. Float to t...
Friday, February 17, 2012 Free Classic - The Science of Getting Rich By Esteban Ferreira Although The Science of Getting Rich was made public over one hundred years ago, there are many handy tips inside it fo...
1:22 AM Talk Back - Strengthen Your Spiritual Power By Jeremy Schultz The additional man meditates upon great thoughts, the improved will be his world and the world at significant. ~ Confuciu...
Thursday, February 16, 2012 What You Need to Know about Anxiety and Panic Attacks By Benjamin Chin During a panic attack, there are some things you should avoid doing because they can exacerbate the symptoms. Calling a fr...
Wednesday, February 15, 2012 Jesus Christ Was Wise By Holly L Wilson Having good practical judgment is knowing the right thing to do at the right time and for the right reason so that one...
4:30 AM How To Purchase Vinyl Records For Sale On The Internet By James Bauer Ordering vinyl records online can be a very exciting task. Because of the increased interest in the 'net and the decreas...
Tuesday, February 14, 2012 Powerful Self Confidence Quotes By Daniel Robertson Self confidence quotes are very inspiring. Many people turn to quotes for a quick boost of daily encouragement. Here ...
Monday, February 13, 2012 Your 3 Uncomplicated Keys For Improving Self-Worth By Adrien Benson We all know that a little extra self-confidence couldn't hurt, but how do you go about getting it? People can see your...
Sunday, February 12, 2012 How to Stop Your Panic Attack Dead in Its Tracks By Kathleen Blaylock Talk to your feelings out loud when you're having a panic attack. Let them know that you're the boss and that ...
Saturday, February 11, 2012 High Heels: How To Know What Is Right For You By Julia Mulwer Are you aware that girls in these times are experiencing hard time changing from sneakers to high heels? It is quite normal...
6:07 AM Near Death Experiences Can Happen Everywhere And To Everybody By Brandi D. Schmitt A phenomenon which give an individual a vibrant ideas regarding walking in the light without their human body, feeling...
Friday, February 10, 2012 Your Guide to Panic Attacks and Anxiety Relief By Yvonne Mohan When you're having a panic attack you should try to play the opposites game. If you feel like running, stand still. If ...
Thursday, February 9, 2012 Faith is Buoyant By Holly L Wilson Faith has the capacity to buoy one up when experiencing a trial. When we are faced with disappointment, despair, and los...
Wednesday, February 8, 2012 You Can Start to learn to Think With Precision By Jimmie Burroughs Penned by Jimmie Burroughs There is a story which has been circulating on the Internet for a period of time and it ...
Monday, February 6, 2012 Some of The Bible's Most Inspiring Verses By Richard Kingsley In the Scriptures, there are many verses that give motivating words of wisdom. All of these inspiring verses allude to ...
5:45 AM Find a Refuge in the iLuna Tantric Community for Spiritual Development By Rakendra Prem The Iluna conscious community was born from the founders experience of working with individuals in groups and online n...
Sunday, February 5, 2012 Has Honor Now Become Old Fashioned and Obsolete in America? By Jimmie Burroughs Authored by Jimmie Burroughs Nathan Hale was a youngster of great honor and just 21 years old when he volunteered f...